1995 – Ramp ‘n Roll
West Ottawa was one of the 48 teams to attend the National Championship held on stage at Walt Disney’s Epcot from March 30 to April 1, 1995. It was our Rookie year. We were sponsored by Prince Corporation. We placed 10th at the competition. At the National Championship our team won the “Most Photogenic” award. The robot contained each team members name write on the black support pieces. The team’s theme was the machine that changed the world. And this machine (robot) did in fact change the world at West Ottawa High School.
Number of Teams: 59
Events Held: 2
Robot Size:
70 pounds
Fit inside a 36” Diameter Cylinder
No more than 30” tall
Brief Game Description:
In two minute matches, three robots race down a 30-foot raceway, over a speed bump just wide enough for two to pass through, to retrieve their 24” and 30” vinyl balls. To score, they must carry the ball(s) back up the raceway and push or shoot the ball over a nine-foot field goal from either the playing floor or a raised platform area, all the while trying to keep their opponents from scoring. Teams may score more than once with each ball – the smaller ball is worth two points and the larger ball is worth three points.