1998 – Ladder Logic
This is the year we received our team number of 141. The teams were once again arranged in alphabetic order by sponsor names; we were still sponsored by Prince Corporation. This was also the first year Michigan held an event. Our first event was the Great Lakes Regional held on March 19 to 21, 1998 at Eastern Michigan University. Thirty one teams participated at this event. Our second event was the National Championship held at Epcot April 2 to 4, 1998. 166 teams attended Nationals in 1998.
Number of Teams: 199
Events Held:
5 Regionals
1 Championship
Robot Size:
130 pounds
Fit inside a 30” x 36” x 48” space
Brief Game Description:
In two minutes matches, the three robots and human players score points by placing the balls onto the side goals or into the central goal. The balls are color-coded to identify team ownership. A human player, located outside the perimeter of the field, is allowed to hand balls to the robot or throw balls directly at the goals.