2005 – Triple Play
2005 saw major changes for our team! After 10 years as our sole sponsor, JCI had to stop supporting our team financially. Just when we thought all was lost and we would never compete again, a local visionary company named JR Automation Technologies LLC came to our rescue! They paid for our team’s entry fee and we were in business again. We had a new home in JR’s spare spaces, and we were working with a new engineering team, alongside all of our previous mentors, who stayed with the team despite the loss of money. We had a great time with Triple Play, and we built a robot that performed well. We attended the Buckeye, and again won the Engineering Inspiration Award. We attended the Great Lakes Regional and won the KPC and B Entrepreneurship award at the West Michigan Regional. This was mainly to recognize our team for its fighting spirit to go out and pound the pavement looking for support in November! We are proud of all our sponsors and appreciate all the opportunities that they give us.
Number of Teams: 991
Events Held:
30 Regionals
1 Championship
Robot Size:
130 pounds
Fit inside a 30” x 36” x 5’ space
First time the rules were available on encrypted PDF prior to kickoff.
Alliances now made up of 3 teams.
Brief Game Description:
The game was played on a field set up like a tic-tac-toe board, with nine goals (outside eight were 5’ tall, the center goal was 7’ tall), shaped tetras in three rows of three. The object of the game was to place the scoring tetras (28” high) on the larger goals, creating rows of three by having a tetra of your alliance’s color at the highest point on the goal. Autonomous period the task was to knock down the four hanging tetras or the tetras would be removed from play. there were also 4 vision tetras placed randomly on the floor and if used to cap the goals in autonomous additional tetras were placed on goals. Triple Play was a strategically intensive game.