2012 – Rebound Rumble
Number of Teams: 2343
Events Held:
54 Regionals
15 Districts
2 State Championship
1 World Championship
Robot Size:
130 pounds
Fit inside a 30” x 36” x 5’ space
Brief Game Description:
Teams compete to score as many basketballs into their hoops as they can during a 2 minute and 15 match. The higher the hoop in which the basketball is scored, the more points the Alliance receives. The match begins with a 15-second Hybrid Period in which robots operate independently of driver inputs. During this Hybrid Period, one robot on each Alliance may be controlled using Microsoft Kinect. Baskets scored during this period are worth extra points. For the remainder of the match, drivers control robots and try to maximize their Alliance score by scoring as many baskets as possible. The match ends with robots attempting to balance on bridges located at the middle of the field. In Qualification Matched, a robot from each Alliance will also try to balance on the white Coopertition bridge to score additional ranking points for each Alliance.