2000 – Co-Operatition FIRST
We were on the fifth seed alliance at Great Lakes Regional. Our alliance partners were team 249 from Detroit and team 288 from Grandville. At this event we won the Delphi "Driving Tomorrow's Technology" Award. We were the alliance captain for the sixth seed at the Motorola Midwest Regional. Our alliance partners were team 249 and team 27 from Auburn Hills. Regionals grew is size and the Great Lakes Regional was attended by 67 teams while the Midwest Regional was attended by 52 teams. The National Championship was attended by 268 teams April 6-8, 2000 at Walt Disney World Epcot Center.
Great Lakes Regional – March 9-11, 2000 at Eastern Michigan University.
Midwest Regional – March 23-25, 2000 at Northwestern University.
Team 141 - Johnson Controls and West Ottawa High School (Holland, MI)
Number of Teams: 372
Events Held:
10 Regionals
1 Championship
Robot Size:
130 pounds
Fit inside a 30” x 36” x 5’ space
Brief Game Description:
Four teams, paired in two alliances, will compete in each match. An alliance scores points by placing balls in their goal, and by positioning their robots in designated areas at the end of each match. At the start of a match each alliance has seven yellow balls and one black ball in their station. In addition, there are fifteen yellow balls and two black balls on the far side of the field which may be scored by either alliance.