2001 – Diabolical Dynamics
West Michigan has a Regional event for the first time. It is held at the Grand Center downtown Grand Rapids it was held March 8-11, 2001. We also attended the Great Lakes Regional held March 22-24, 2001 at Eastern Michigan University. We received the Xerox Creativity Award at the Great Lakes Regional. 335 teams attended the National Championship and were divided into four divisions. We were in the Newton Division and the Finalist of the division. The National Championship was held April 5-7, 2001.
Number of Teams: 515
Events Held:
13 Regionals
1 Championship
Robot Size:
130 pounds
Fit inside a 30” x 36” x 5’ space
Brief Game Description:
Each match is a maximum of two minutes long. Alliances can end the match at any time. Alliances score one point for each small ball in the goal, ten points for each large ball in the goal, ten points for each robot in the End Zone, and ten points if the stretcher is in the End Zone. The alliance doubles its score for each goal that is on the bridge if the bridge is balanced, and multiplies its score by a factor of up to three by ending the match before the two minute time limit. Each team receives the alliance score. A team multiplies its score by 1.1 if its large ball is on top of a goal. Scores are rounded up to the nearest whole point after applying all multipliers.