2009 – Lunacy
Our 15th Anniversary Year!
Number of Teams: 1677
Events Held:
41 Regionals
1 Championship
Robot Size:
130 pounds
Fit inside a 30” x 36” x 5’ space
Brief Game Description:
Robots are equipped with slippery wheels and payload trailers. Lunacy game pieces are “Orbit Balls” designated as Moon Rocks, Empty Cells, or Super Cells. Human players are positioned around the perimeter of the area and can score from their stations. Robots are autonomous during the first 15 seconds of play, and teleoperated for the remaining 2 minutes. Trailers begin each match empty, but robots may be loaded with up to 7 Moon Rocks by their team prior to the start of the match. Human players are equipped with 20 Moon Rocks, less the number they load into their robot, and a quantity of empty cells and Super cells determined by the outcome of their previous match. Moon Rocks, and Empty Cells scored in an opponent’s trailer, at any time. Super Cells must be “activated” before they can be played and only in the last 20 seconds of the match.